October 4, 2010

Ridgefield Events

We couldn't let a birthday go by without some sort of celebration so Nancy cooked up an angel food cake for Brett with 3 candles, one for each decade. Celia was excited and wanted to help blow out the candles. When Brett asked her how many candles, she responded “3” and Brett stated he must be 3, but she was not so sure. When asked how old she was, the response was quick that she was also 3. After that we all enjoyed cake and ice cream which were big hits, making it a special evening. Once in a while we get to have Cecilia spend time with us. She has claimed one room which she proudly announces is her room when she spends the night. We enjoy having her visit and she seems to enjoy helping us feed the birds and squirrels. Recently we were all pleased to see extra raccoon eyes looking back at us from a tree snag just off our deck. It appears a mama has about 3 babies but they are hard to count and we have not been lucky enough to catch the little ones going up or down the tree for an accurate count.

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