August 25, 2010

Other summer events

The summer seemed to just fly by and one thing we loved was packing a picnic and heading off to a free concert in the park. Both Portland and Vancouver scheduled weekly events which we tried to attend when possible. The one pictured here is from the park under the bridge in the St. Johns area of Portland. The bridge over the Willamette River is called the “cathedral bridge” and was designed by the same architect as the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. This picture does not show the towers and cables of the longest section but it is also a suspension bridge. We made a trip to California to visit with Jan, Al and Tara and attend a memorial service for long-time family friend, Gerry Green, who passed away at 92. We of course miss him but cherish all of the memories he left us. We are not sure how we managed to only get a picture of Mount Shasta on that trip. Of course we enjoyed times on our deck but learned not to be there after dusk as this was a particularly bad year for mosquitoes. We had been struggling along with an aging gas stove since we moved in. We finally were able to find and purchase a new one we liked. Brett helped us with the installation. I enjoyed taking the old one to the recycler who was glad to receive the heavy beast.

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