July 30, 2010

On the ALCAN south...

We left Big Lake fully loaded and ready for our driving adventure. We spent some time in Anchorage at the Saturday market but couldn’t buy much as the cars were packed solid. As we started the trip across Alaska towards Canada we finally got a picture of a mother moose and baby crossing the road… you may have to enlarge the picture to see it. We also enjoyed seeing the Matanuska glacier with better lighting than Nancy and I had seen it on the way up. The massive size of the glacier is impressive. During our lunch break we enjoyed being near a fast running stream. Travis and Wren particularly enjoyed panning for gold. They were disappointed when Charles informed them they had been collecting mica commonly known as Fool’s Gold. As we did not get an early start we did not make it to Tok the first night but did find a nice primitive camp to spend the first night. You can see we had no table but luckily we had sufficient chairs and camping items to make ourselves comfortable. You might also notice we are dressed with warm clothes. The heat wave we had during our trip up had given way to cooler temperatures. The days remained warm, but nights could be cool. Luckily the nights were short, with the sun setting after 11 PM and rising about 2 AM which meant it really never got dark. The campsite may have been primitive but room service the next morning was great! Nancy was able to catch a picture of Ray’s coffee being delivered by Travis.

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