April 16, 2010

Coast Trips

Coast Trips -

It is less than two hours from our place to the Astoria / Cannon Beach area of the Oregon coast so this spring when the weather was predicted to be sunny and warm, with little wind, we headed for the beach. It is nice that we are able to get away in the middle of the week as those conditions do not always happen on the weekend. We hit beautiful days on two of our three trips, but one trip the next storm moved in too quickly and caught us bundling up and spending time inside to keep from being drowned. The Astoria Column sits high on a hill overlooking the town as well as the Columbia River, depicting history of early explorations by Lewis and Clark and early settlers. There is also a Native American ocean going canoe displayed. The Oregon coast is quite rugged and very beautiful. Below are a few pictures to help you visualize our trips...

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