This month we enjoyed having Michael and Denise Millhollen come for a long weekend. The weather was not perfect but it could have been much worse. The first day it was rather cool and cloudy so our walk on the beach was short. The next day was sunny and brisk so off to Port Gamble and Port Townsend we went to be tourists. We were treated to seeing a submarine coming by while at Port Gamble. In Port Townsend we enjoyed the historic buildings and a nice seafood dinner overlooking Puget Sound. While driving around the town Denise spotted a deer in a yard. We thought she was kidding but on closer inspection it was a doe just wandering through the town. The next day we went to Bainbridge Island and enjoyed views across Puget Sound to Seattle as well as learning some of the local history on a self guided tour following a brochure provided by the local tourist information office. Denise spotted an otter which we all enjoyed watching until it decided to move out of our view. We again enjoyed spending time in the Central Market and that evening Denise and Michael treated us to a home cooked pasta dinner that was a work of art with unique items from the interesting grocery store. While touring with Michael and Denise we also saw cargo ships but they missed seeing the whale we observed just hours after they left. We learned that gray whales often come into Puget Sound to feed on hatching ghost shrimp relativly near the shore. Reportedly they are often spotted in the Whidby island area but we only spotted them once and regreat we did not get a picture. With April approaching we started getting itchy feet to go on a road trip. That is something we have usually done during spring break for years as a teacher.
Freighter and fishing boat share the water...