February 19, 2009

February – Beach walks

Norwegian Point Beach

During the month we have enjoyed frequent walks on the beach and on one such walk we met a man walking a huge Great Dane. It was a very friendly young dog and we asked what his name was. That is when we learned his name was Sven. We commented on what an unusual name that was for a dog. The owner reminded us that the dog is Danish so he felt a nice Danish name was in order. On the walk from the beach to the woods with Sven and his owner we met a man with his little Chuhuahua dog named Petey. As we continued on the walk we could see in the distance a woman coming up the road with a small dog. The comment was made, “here comes trouble”. I commented that the little dog did look like trouble, to which the response was “I wasn’t talking about the dog”. We learned the woman has a reputation for an ongoing battle with the Coast Guard concerning the local lighthouse foghorn. She apparently is an organist and is not irritated that the foghorn is loud, she is bothered that it is off pitch and wants the Coast Guard to have it tuned!

Ferry arriving at Kingston