During the month we have enjoyed frequent walks on the beach and on one such walk we met a man walking a huge Great Dane. It was a very friendly young dog and we asked what his name was. That is when we learned his name was Sven. We commented on what an unusual name that was for a dog. The owner reminded us that the dog is Danish so he felt a nice Danish name was in order. On the walk from the beach to the woods with Sven and his owner we met a man with his little Chuhuahua dog named Petey. As we continued on the walk we could see in the distance a woman coming up the road with a small dog. The comment was made, “here comes trouble”. I commented that the little dog did look like trouble, to which the response was “I wasn’t talking about the dog”. We learned the woman has a reputation for an ongoing battle with the Coast Guard concerning the local lighthouse foghorn. She apparently is an organist and is
Ferry arriving at Kingston